Work Experience

Full Stack Developer

Jul 2021 - Present

  • Worked in a remote, cross-functional product team. We released updates weekly to our activity-tracking app used by millions, so speed, scalability, punctuality, and communication were always important.
  • My role included shipping new features in the app and website, translating UI designs into pixel-perfect React implementations, refactoring old code, fixing bugs, making performance and scalability improvements in the app, backend, and database, working with large volumes of data, running A/B tests, reviewing Pull Requests on GitHub and helping out other teams across the company.
  • Proven myself to be a quick learner - once I was tasked with reducing CloudWatch infrastructure costs, and I managed to reduce our CloudWatch bill by approximately 80% (3000€ monthly savings) with no prior experience. Additionally, I've rapidly mastered new technologies like TypeScript, React Native, and SQL despite never having worked with said technologies before, all while adhering to and evolving with development best practices.
  • Tech stack: TypeScript, React Native, React, Next.js, PostgreSQL, MySQL, AWS, Node.js, Jest Unit Testing

Full Stack Developer
at Camea

Jan 2021 - Jul 2021

  • Led the development of both the front and back end of a web platform aimed at modernizing the caregiver industry, working collaboratively within a cross-functional team.
  • On my own initiative, I introduced modern technologies and practices, including unit testing, even when not mandated. This proactive approach led to reduced development time and costs while enhancing product quality.
  • Tech stack: Node.js, React, MongoDB, Next.js, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Jest

Back End Developer Intern

Nov 2020 - Dec 2020

  • Tasked with developing the entire back end of a location-based social media-like app. Delivered ahead of schedule, finishing in just under a month, significantly outpacing the original two-month estimate.
  • Demonstrated high self-sufficiency by independently tackling complex tasks and resolving bugs and challenges, compensating for the lack of other developers in our team.
  • Tech stack: Node.js, MongoDB, Express, JavaScript, AWS

Side Projects

Hover over an image to access links

Montenegro Luxury Association

DEC 2022 - JUN 2023

Worked as part of Montenegro Luxury Association, an innovative luxury tourism organization that utilizes cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and smart contracts to increase awareness and advance tourism in Montenegro, in addition to leading the digitalization of the local luxury tourism industry. Was responsible for leading the technical side of the project by researching new technologies, making critical architectural decisions, in addition to initializing the entire project and developing a major portion of its systems and features.


JUN 2022 - OCT 2022

In collaboration with a designer colleague, we co-created 'Bionize,' an open-source Chrome extension available on GitHub. Designed to reformat any browser page text, the tool aids faster reading and may potentially make it easier to read for some people with reading impairments. With an accumulated 3000+ downloads to date, I was responsible for the extension's development, using primarily JavaScript.



MAY 2022

Participated in the LateNightHacks hackathon to create POSTR, a social media web app that uses a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain to enable a mechanism of paying users based on the number of likes they attain on their posts. Worked together in-person with 2 other developers. Was responsible for writing the smart contract, connecting it to the web app, and implementing major portions of both the front-end and back-end. Built with JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, Solidity.

Carbon Tracker

MAY 2022

Participated in the ToHacks hackathon to create Carbon Tracker, an easy-to-use web app for tracking your carbon footprint. Worked together in-person with another developer and was responsible for implementing the majority of the front end and some parts of the back end. Built with JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, MongoDB.


GymBuddy: Hackathon Winner

MAR 2021

Participated in and won the international virtual hackathon WinHacks by creating GymBuddy, a website for finding a gym partner based on distance and fitness goals. Collaborated smoothly and effectively with newly met cross-functional teammates from across the globe. Was in charge of developing the back-end API, in addition to critical front-end contributions. Built with React, Node.js, MongoDB, JavaScript.

Personal Projects

Decentralized Kickstarter

JAN 2022

Developed a decentralized kickstarter-like website which utilizes smart contracts to manage the funding and distribution of funds. Built with React, Solidity, Web3.

Multi-Signature Eth Wallet

DEC 2021

An Ethereum smart contract which can be used by multiple parties at the same time to store shared funds, as it requires multiple signature to withdrawal said funds. Built with Solidity.

JavaScript Blockchain

SEP 2021

Created a miniature version of a blockchain using vanilla JavaScript. While the program lacks some features of a traditional blockchain, it manages to re-create the most important concepts such as transactions, block chaining, hashing and mining with variable difficulty.

Meetings Auto-Joiner Bot

OCT 2020

A web scraper, created for autonomously joining Microsoft Teams meetings. The scraper mimics human behavior, joining meetings when they become available and leaving them when everybody else leaves. Created with Node & Puppeteer.

Ecommerce Website

SEP 2020

A fully fledged online sneaker store which features real card payments using the Stripe API, product sales analytics and product editing access for site admins, Google OAuth authentication and much more. Built with React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, hosted on AWS.

Stock Price Website

AUG 2020

A website that shows the real-time stock price of any company from a list of hundreds of searchable options. Built with React and the FinnHub API, hosted on Firebase.

Social Media Website

JUL 2020

A fully featured social media website, including features such as a friend search, add and remove function, real-time messaging using web sockets, profile picture editing, publishing & liking posts & more. Built using React, Node.js, MongoDB, JavaScript.

Blogging Website

JUN 2020

A blog-like website which allows anyone to create an account and create a post which will show up on other users feed. Users can also leave comments and like posts. Built using React, Node.js, MongoDB, JavaScript.

About Me

Full Stack Developer with over 3 years of professional experience. I began coding at age 12 and had created several mobile video games by 14. At 17, I secured a victory in an international hackathon, and I embarked on my career as a remote developer, gaining extensive experience since then. I’ve also worked on a variety of real-world applications, personal & side projects, and hackathons.

SKILLS: React・React Native・Node.js・Express・REST APIs・CI/CD・Docker・TypeScript・JavaScript・MongoDB・ SQL・Unit Testing・AWS・Terraform・Java・Swift・Firebase・HTML・CSS・SCSS・Git・GitHub・Solidity・Web3

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